Rape and Sexual Violence Project’s Helpline and Webchat service

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The Helpline and Webchat service is run by trained team members who are there to listen and support survivors of sexual violence, and their supporters.  The service is non-judgemental, non-advice giving, and designed to assist survivors with help to make any decision they may wish to make. The service offers emotional support and information in the following areas:

  • Dealing with the effects of sexual violence and abuse
  • Referral to and information about our other services such as social groups, advocacy, counselling, and more
  • Services offered by other agencies

At RSVP, we believe that everyone deserves a life free from sexual violence and abuse. We support people who have been subjected to sexual violence and abuse to thrive and enjoy a future of hope and confidence. We boldly stand with survivors and challenge victim blaming attitudes. Our confidential services are delivered with compassion, professionalism and humanity. We’re here to recognise a survivor’s individuality, build on their strengths and develop safe supportive relationships with them, to enable each survivor to overcome the impact and effects of sexual trauma.

Our helpline number is 0121 643 4136

Our webchat service is available on our website: www.rsvporg.co.uk

Our webchat is not a 24/7 service.

We have a 24 hour answerphone, or you can email us on info@rsvporg.co.uk to request a call. Only leave a number if it is safe to do so.